Marine fishingThe location were you cand find the pacific barracuda ranges from the tip of Baja California to Alaska though rare above Point Conception California. You may find that a surface feeder of the barracuda is rarely caught deeper than 100 feet. The barracuda eats different things like anchovies and other small fishes. The rod and reel record for Pacific Barracuda is 26# 8 ounces. But large barracuda are very rare with 5 to 10 pounds most common. Most barracuda are caught with either iron jigs or bait. Be prepared to loose a lot of rigs to the barracudas razor sharp teeth when using bait, and the solution for that is to use either flyline or use a sliding sinker. A lot of bait fisherman use a wire leader with the only drawback being less bites. Iron jigs are typically cast out and retrieved slowly with a change of speed often getting a strike by the barracuda. When fishing iron for barracuda the most often used colors are blue and white or have chrome in them . You need to use single hook jigs as treble hooks do damage to the barracudas mouth. The barracuda is a great conservation story and releasing short fish with damaged mouths will not help their future. The recomandated rig for fishing barracuda is the 6.5 feet to 8 feet with a reel able to handle 200 yards of 20 to 30# test. Hope that this was helpful, any comments will be appreciated.
Marine fishing is a great way to spend with your family.
1 comment:
The fishing regulation and fishing ban is necessary to protect and preserve a place to improve the fish population in the area especially the tuna and barracuda.
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